Saturday, September 24, 2016

Judges 19 is a hideous reminder of the degradation that can happen to a culture without Christ's merciful intervention!

Just as wicked as Sodom and Gomorrah, were the children of Israel in their vile intentions and actions, in secret; which rose to a riot of violence in the streets toward strangers. How could this be? They had instructions of the expectations of God and Judges to guide and protect. What was the difference between them and the pagans? There was none.
Every man did that which was right in his own eyes
A telling statement from the Bible to mark our estimations of this degradations. These people are barbaric, an entire city, given to take complete advantage of wayfarers.

We expect this when we go into Ninevah or Sodom, but in Israel? Even with light of God's Word to guide, when we get away from holding people accountable to the Word of God, chaos ensues and the most debauched kind of chaos is the lot of those whose minds have been enlightened to God to any degree. Rebelling against the goodness of God is certainly of greater consequence than never having been instructed.

Use Your Word, we pray, dear Lord! Make us clean and not just on the outside. In Jesus' name. Use Your church and Your people to grow our culture out of the debauchery of our day. Amen!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Ejecting the Humanism of my soul!

Thank God for the message on Sunday

Pastor reminded us of the many ways and multiple expressions of self-dependence and self-aggrandizement that are part and parcel of our American experience. Are we really Christians, when we are so exalting of self, in our efforts and in our faith and in our labors? We did it! we say. We will get it done! we promote. No post scripts, no "Lord willings" to temper our pride.

There is certainly something to be said of children who are taught to have holy reflexes at the name of Jesus. Bow the head. Bow the knee. Whatever can remind you that you are not your own is a good thing to learn.
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my acceptable in Thy sight, Oh Lord, my strength and my redeemer. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, we seek Thy face; Within the veil we bow the knee; O let Thy glory fill the place, And bless us while we wait on Thee.

We thank Thee for the precious blood That purged our sins and brought us nigh, All cleansed and sanctified to God, Thy holy Name to magnify.

Shut in with Thee, far, far above The restless world that wars below, We seek to learn and prove Thy love, Thy wisdom and Thy grace to know.

The brow that once with thorns was bound, Thy hands, Thy side, we fain would see; Draw near, Lord Jesus, glory-crowned, And bless us while we wait on Thee.