Where is your treasure? Perhaps it is that leanness of quantity in this or that area can drive us to God or away? It is not automatic that the soul attributes leanness to the good providence of a loving father. It is instructed in the mind, it is expected of the believer, truly…”Thou hast taught me to say… It is well with my soul” but is it? Wellness of soul in leanness of circumstance is not a verbal ascent. It is a confirmation of the Holy Spirit to give that blessed assurance and it is prayed and sought for, not talked about and demanded as a resource. Let us not follow the masses who claim assurances that have never been tarried for or asked of the Father. Let us not lie to oneanother and say we are well when we need prayer and help and grace to help in the time of need. The battle is not a lone fight but a corporate one. It is me, o Lord, standing in the need this morning. Blessed Assurance, notwithstanding. Halleluia and a sacrifice of praise, but in need nonetheless. I trust my Jesus to fulfill His every promise. In Jesus Name, Amen