It is shocking to me in John 9, who are the enemies of the healing of the blind man. The religious were the most antagonistic of healing and health. Is that the case? Am I embracing the healing and the renewal of myself and others touched by the Master's hand, or am I the enemy of healing? I, myself would rather be the healed, than to be a religious enemy of healing. It seems to me that if our prayer is, "Lord, that I may receive my sight", then we haven't the time to grill the healed ones. "Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound."
Perhaps, this is the reason for the thorns in the flesh. The dearest and most precious thorns that God says to cut off, as though they were right hand and right arm, are for our closer communion with Christ. As it were giving us, something earthly to resist, until we find our rest in the arms of Him to whom our need will be entirely filled and healed. I would be longing for Christ's communion and greedy for the grace of God to help me to walk in faithfulness.