I am blessed at the meditation of God being our Heavenly Father. We worship God, who is infinitely above us in wisdom and power and glory and yet, condescended to purchase our sonship and daughtership with Him. What an amazing love that is! How can You be so above us and want to be our Father? How can You pay so huge a price for something so seemingly minute to us?
How important is the relationship of parenting to God, if He would send the beloved Son of His Bosom to pay for an adoption for reprobates? Thank God for redemption.
Truly Hallowed, is His name.
The Holy Spirit speaks to my heart, this morning, that these words that we say, nearly thoughtlessly, contain the most important truth in the universe. God loves us, enough to want to be called Our Father. God loves us enough to teach us to call Him, Our Father. God paid it all for this to become so, in Christ. Halleluia!