Saturday, January 9, 2010

Does Jesus care?

Oh yes, He cares. I know He cares, His heart is touched with my griefs, when the burdens heavy, the long night dreary, I know my Savior cares.

I can really see God holding my heart in His hands sometimes and doing the delicate work of putting the pieces back together. It seems that He touches each part of my heart, when I am grieving. He spends His time and attention on me so at that time that I am learning to appreciate the struggle.
The diamonds of the preciousness of time in the presence of God while He is in surgery upon my raggedy self is more than thought or mind could know. He poured Himself into Daniel, all the more for the more that he had lost, that seems clear, the same with Job. I really don't want to go through what they went through to get that close to God. I simply want to know Him in what I am going through. Sometimes my griefs feel more than I can bear. Sometimes, I feel incapable of picking myself up from a season of sadness about my inability and ineptitudes and weaknesses. I may find some comfort in things like a good meal or a beautiful painting, but my heart is only bound together when God puts His hands upon me and takes the rags of my life and wraps my fractured heart with His hands. He cares and identifies with me. He loves and shows that love to me in His word. The Lord is my shepherd, even when I feel that I am alone in this trial. The Lord is with me, whether people can see what I am suffering or not. The Lord upholds me and I am helped. There is a purpose in this struggle that I am feeling and He is the greatest part of it. If I come through this knowing more of Him, that is the most important treasure. He did that with every one of His dear friends. He drew out of them, closer communion through the life of suffering that He entered into with them. Those who grew closer to Him, became good friends and those who missed the presence of God for their pride, missed the greatest treasure that there is.
I pray to be the former and not the latter, but every rung goes higher and higher. I stumble and miss His presence here and there and I pray not to become shipwrecked.
I know that He loves me and condescends to listen to my faintest cries. I know my Savior cares.

He holds my heart in His hands and binds it together, for His glory.

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